Michigan Muslim Voter Turnout – 2018 Midterm

Michigan saw a 19 point increase in Muslim voter turnout between the 2014 and 2018 midterm elections. Across Michigan, roughly 50% of registered Muslim voters turned out on November 6.

Emgage worked in one county and three congressional districts across Michigan in 2018. Two of the Emgage districts exceeded the statewide 19 point increase in Muslim voter turnout:

  • Wayne County- 10 pt ↑
  • Michigan’s 8th– 21 pt ↑
  • Michigan’s 11th– 22 pt ↑
  • Michigan’s 13th- 15 pt ↑

One of Emgage’s primary focus areas, Wayne County, has seen a steady increase in Muslim voter turnout every midterm since 2010 with the Muslim voter population more than doubling between the 2010 and 2018 elections.

In 2010, Wayne had 14,232 Muslims turn out to vote. By 2018, 32,126 Muslims turned out to vote, representing roughly 44% of the entire state’s Muslim voter turnout in the 2018 midterms.

* Please note that the districts do overlap as indicated on the heat map

2018 Michigan Midterm Muslim Voter Turnout