Who are Emerging Leaders?
Emgage proudly hosts the Emerging Leaders Program, an annual series that includes immersive retreats, hands-on community service projects, and issue-focused webinars, all designed to identify and empower young leaders within the Muslim American community. This program aims to foster an environment of ethical, well-informed, and civically engaged individuals who are equipped to lead in their communities and on a larger scale across the state and nation. Through guided mentorship, in-depth political education, and community engagement, Emerging Leaders are prepared to take on roles that shape the future of their communities and contribute to broader civic movements.
What are Leaders preparing for?
Want to get involved?
Write to the Executive Director of your state for more information:
- Florida: Tark Aouadi, taouadi@emgageusa.org
- Michigan: Hira Khan hkhan@emgageusa.org
- New York Metro: Heba Khalil, hkhalil@emgageusa.org
- Pennsylvania: Salima Suswell, ssuswell@emgageusa.org
- Texas: Amatullah Contractor acontractor@emgageusa.org
- Virginia: Mohamed Gula, mgula@emgageusa.org