Virginia Muslim Voter Turnout – 2018 Midterm

Virginia saw a 31 point increase in Muslim voter turnout between the 2014 and 2018 midterm elections.Across Virginia, 60% of registered Muslim voters turned out on November 6.

Emgage worked in five counties and four congressional districts across Virginia in 2018. Loudoun County exceeded the statewide 31 point increase in Muslim voter turnout:

  • Fairfax County- 31 pt ↑
  • Loudoun County- 36 pt ↑
  • Prince William County- 29 pt ↑
  • Alexandria City- 29 pt ↑
  • Arlington County- 31 pt ↑
  • Virginia 7th– 29 pt ↑
  • Virginia 8th– 31 pt ↑
  • Virginia 11th– 30 pt ↑

Two of Emgage’s primary focus areas, Loudoun County and Congressional District 10, sawa signfificant increase of 36% and 34% in Muslim voter turnout since 2014, with Muslim voters aged 18-34 more than doubling between the 2009 and 2018. In 2009, Muslim voters aged 18-34 comprised 13% of the total Muslim electorate within the Commonwealth of Virginia. In 2018, that demographic grew to 30%. From 2009-2018, turnout for that demographic increased from 11 percent to 48 percent and comprised a third of all Muslims who vote in Virginia.

 * Please note that the districts do overlap as indicated on the heat map.  * Please note that the districts do overlap as indicated on the heat map

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