Awais Khaleel

Awais Khaleel is an attorney and career prosecutor. He is currently an Assistant Corporation Counsel for the Dane County Corporation Counsel’s Office. Awais also serves as a Judge Advocate and officer with the Wisconsin Army National Guard. He previously served as an Assistant District Attorney with the Dane County District Attorney’s Office and associate with Wisconsin law firm Pines Bach. From 2021-2022, Awais was the Chairman of the Wisconsin State Ethics Commission. He began his legal career as a civil rights lawyer for a boutique Washington, DC law firm.
Awais is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Howard University School of Law. He formerly served as a Democratic National Committeeman, the Vice President of the College Democrats of America, and a member of the Administrative Committee for the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. He was a founding board member for the Wisconsin Muslim Civic Alliance.
A native Wisconsinite, Awais lives in Madison, Wisconsin with his wife Wajiha, their two children, and a dog named Axel Foley.