Rep. Madinah Wilson- Anton

Rep. Wilson-Anton was elected in 2020 at the age of 26 to represent the 26th Representative District in the Delaware General Assembly making her the first Muslim elected to statewide office in the state’s history. She is an alumna of the University of Delaware, holding a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Asian Studies, and a master’s degree in Urban Affairs & Public Policy. She has formally studied Arabic, Chinese, French, and Spanish. While at the University of Delaware, Rep. Wilson-Anton was actively involved in several campus organizations where she held leadership positions, including the Muslim Student Association, Students for Justice in Palestine, and her sorority Latinas Promoviendo Comunidad/Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc.
She worked for two years as a legislative fellow in the state legislature, and an additional year as a legislative aide for the 26th and 27th districts. In these capacities, she researched legislation, staffed committee meetings, and communicated with residents and helped them with a variety of issues. This experience gave her first-hand exposure to the issues and concerns of her fellow community members. In her free time, Madinah is a stand-up comedian; she has performed for audiences across the United States. She hosts a monthly comedy show in Wilmington, DE and produces a weekly podcast, “For Lack of a Better Word,” with her uncle Rocky. She has appeared on various podcasts and talk shows and frequently contributes to the Highlands Bunker podcast.