Emgage Condemns Russian Invasion of Ukraine

February 24, 2022

Emgage Condemns Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Emgage Action, a national Muslim American civic engagement organization, condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“Emgage condemns in the strongest terms possible the Russian Federation’s continued illegal and destructive invasion of Ukraine. We stand firmly with the people of Ukraine during Russia’s war against them and the values of democracy that threaten the likes of Vladimir Putin and fellow autocrats.” – Wa’el Alzayat, CEO of Emgage

Emgage is a 501c(3) with national headquarters in Washington, D.C., and state chapters in Michigan, Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and New York, that implements an ecosystem of programs to develop the capacity of the Muslim voter to ensure that our narrative is part of the American fabric. Our programs include civic educational events such as issue forums and town halls, voter initiatives including Get Out The Vote (GOTV), and specific programs for the youth in order to mentor and support the next generation of leaders.