

Press Release

February 14, 2018

Parkland, Florida

Emgage joins fellow Americans in condemning the shooting yesterday afternoon at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. We share in the grief and sorrow of the students and families affected, and our heartfelt condolences and prayers go out to the victims and their families.

The  school shooting at Douglas Highschool has left 17 confirmed dead and more than 20 injured. The shooter has been identified as 19-year-old Nicholas de Jesus Cruz, a former JROTC member, using an assault rifle.

Emgage’s CEO, Wa’el Alzayat, said: “We cannot afford to have gun violence in our schools become common place. Students have a right to receive their education without the threat of an active shooter on campus. It is shocking and unacceptable that yesterday’s tragedy was the 18th mass shooting in the U.S. just this year.” 

Emgage condemns this senseless act of violence and joins fellow Americans in asking our state and national legislators to act on common sense gun legislation.

Emgage-FL Board Member, Khurrum Wahid, published an op-ed in The Miami Herald condemning gun violence and calling upon Americans to do more about the issue. Read his article here.