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2021 Annual Report

We are incredibly proud to celebrate Emgage’s 15th year anniversary! Since our founding, our focus remains on building Muslim American civic participation by educating and mobilizing voters. We feel blessed to be able to continue on this journey with you and are excited to share our latest accomplishments.


Press Release | Emgage Condemns Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Emgage condemns in the strongest terms possible the Russian Federation’s continued illegal and destructive invasion of Ukraine. We stand firmly with the people of Ukraine during Russia’s war against them and the values of democracy that threaten the likes of Vladimir Putin and fellow autocrats.

At least 14,000 lives have already been claimed since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014. Russia’s decision to disrupt peace and security in Europe is a serious breach of international law and norms, poses escalators risks, and endangers countless lives.

In recent years, Russia’s imperialist and reckless foreign policy and support for autocrats have caused the suffering of countless innocent people in Ukraine, Syria, Georgia, and the Caucuses. We support President Biden’s decision, in partnership with U.S. allies worldwide, to place diplomatic and economic pressure on Russia, and to support Ukrainians’ self-defense. We are additionally concerned about Ukraine’s sizable Muslim community, including Crimean Tatar Muslims who have suffered needlessly or have been displaced due to Russian occupation.

As Russian aggression disrupts global peace and security, we pray and call for solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

In solidarity,
Wa’el Alzayat
CEO of Emgage

Muslim Voter Poll

Emgage alongside the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) conducted a unique poll surveying over five hundred Muslim Americans, looking at their views on key domestic and foreign policies, and their views on the Biden administration.

2020 Annual Report

2020 was a truly historic year for Emgage and Muslim American voters. At the beginning of the year, we knew that the Muslim American community was poised to play a significant role electorally. After years of educating, organizing, and mobilizing, we felt that the community was on the cusp of something truly great. This is why we launched the Million Muslim Votes (MMV) campaign, a first-of-its-kind national effort to motivate and turn out at least one million voters in the 2020 general elections. Thanks to the creativity and dedication of our staff, volunteers, board members, and amazing partners, we turned out a historic number of voters and, with it, changed the narrative of Muslim political engagement.